Here you will find a wide selection of aquarium inhabitants suitable for tanks with a minimum size of 100 cm. This size allows you to keep a variety of fish species and other animals in a species-appropriate manner. An aquarium with a length of 80 cm offers a volume of about 100 liters, depending on the height and depth of the tank.
If fish are the focus of the aquarium, this size is already a good start. When it comes to keeping animals really well, smaller aquariums often have their limitations. The 100cm length of the aquarium allows for versatile, easier design and selection of animals.
Minimum Dimensions and Minimum Size of the Aquarium
It is important to emphasize that this minimum size is often considered an absolute minimum, and this is partly legally mandated to ensure the basic well-being of the kept animals. In Austria, the minimum sizes for keeping fish are specified in the Animal Welfare Ordinance, where the smallest aquarium size is specified as 60x30x30 - 54 liters, below which there is no authorized fishkeeping. We often recommend much larger aquariums than those specified in the Animal Welfare Ordinance because we have noticed from experience that even with small fish, their natural behavior only really comes into its own in longer aquariums - this has become an important criterion for species-appropriate keeping for us. We see the 80cm as a good basis, especially for starting out, when you are faced with the choice between 60cm or 80cm aquariums, we can only advise you to choose the 80cm aquarium.
Species Aquarium / Species Tank
We understand that for some people, a species tank - that is, an aquarium with only one species of fish - may not sound very exciting. But especially in smaller aquariums, the concept has its appeal! Because here you can really focus on ensuring that your fish lack nothing. It's about ensuring the right group size and water quality that are tailored to the needs of your fish. In larger aquariums, on the other hand, you can enjoy a greater variety of fish species and a greater number of animals. This allows you to create a lively and varied underwater world that will delight both you and your fish!
Even at 80cm / 100 liters, we can only recommend a species tank, as the behavior of the fish comes into its own here. If you want to keep multiple species, pay special attention to the selection. You should not plan more than one territorial species - a nice concept of a loose community aquarium of this size and volume might include:
- a harem of a dwarf cichlid
- a calm tetra or schooling fish
- cleaning crew of Amano shrimp
- Catfish (e.g., Otocinclus)
If you decide to set up a community aquarium, it is advisable to consider the needs of the different species you want to keep and ensure that the aquarium is set up and maintained accordingly. Through careful planning and care, you can ensure that your aquarium inhabitants lead a healthy and fulfilling life.