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from 60cm / approx. 54 liters

Here you will find a wide selection of aquarium inhabitants suitable for tanks with a minimum size of 60 cm. This size allows you to keep a variety of fish species and other animals in an appropriate manner. An aquarium with a side length of 60 cm offers a volume of approximately 54 to 80 liters, depending on the height and depth of the tank, providing ample space for many species. For example, the Blau Cubic Panoramic 80, with its 60 cm side length, can offer a volume of up to 80 liters, allowing for versatile, easier design and selection of animals.

Minimum Sizes and Minimum Tank Sizes

It is important to emphasize that this minimum size is often considered an absolute requirement to ensure the basic well-being of the animals kept. In Austria, the minimum sizes for keeping fish are specified in the Animal Welfare Ordinance. Here, for example, the smallest aquarium size is given as 60x30x30 - 54 liters, below which no approved fish keeping is allowed. We often recommend significantly larger aquariums than specified in the Animal Welfare Ordinance, as we have noticed from experience that even small fish show their natural behavior best in longer aquariums - this has become an important criterion for us for appropriate animal keeping. A larger aquarium provides the fish with not only more space to swim and explore, but also a more stable water chemistry and hiding places. This helps reduce stress and strengthen the immune system of the animals. This not only gives the fish a beautiful, healthy life, but also the keeper enjoys the long life of the fish and magnificent colors.

Species Aquarium / Species Tank

We know that for many people, a species tank - that is, an aquarium with only one species of fish - is considered boring. But especially for small aquariums, a species tank offers the opportunity to keep fish in an appropriate manner, as more attention can be paid to a good - species-appropriate - group size and water load. For aquarium fish in general, larger tanks can support a greater variety of species and a greater number of animals. This allows you to create a lively and diverse underwater world that is enriching for both you and your animals.

If you decide to set up a community aquarium, it is advisable to consider the needs of the different species you want to keep and to ensure that the aquarium is set up and maintained accordingly. Through careful planning and care, you can ensure that your aquarium inhabitants lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

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